Thursday, December 12, 2013

"Say No to Drugs" PSA Poster

Hello again, I'm back with another assignment we did in Graphics Design. The topic I chose was about drugs and how they affect many of the body's functions and could end up wrecking up your body, from the beginning and in the long run.

I learned a few things about drugs, one of the most interesting being on how different substances affected the brain and the body in very different ways. Some drugs like cause hallucinations and an out-of-body experience while others slowed down reflexes and calmed the muscles all at once.

I had a few different ideas for this project, but they all revolved around one thing: smoke and it's effects on people. The first ideas was mainly going to be about someone smoking, which is already a damaging thing to the second idea was going beyond that and moving on to the comparison of second-hand smoking, which is an even greater damage.

The final image was a bit of a duller idea, mainly because of the trouble I was having with finding ways to put the actual idea down on paper...well canvas. In the end, I went with spray paint cans, a smaller yet equally lethal and abused form of drugs called inhalants.

There are so many interesting things we can learn about drugs, but to save time, it'd be better you stopped by and checked out more information here. Until next time!

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